
Murmansk Shipping Company Board of Directors Is to Increase Income by 15% in 2018

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The Murmansk Shipping Company Board of Directors approved the budget for 2018.
The Murmansk Shipping Company budget for 2018 approved at the Board of Directors meeting provides for increase of income by 15% compared to 2017 and for reduction of expenses by at least 20%, according to the press-office of the company.

"The company will continue selling non-core assets to supply to its working capital to discharge the current liabilities" the press release says.

Earlier, Alexander Bryntsev, the company Director General, said that Murmansk Shipping Company plans to purchase two modern vessels with deadweight of at least 30k tons each in 2018.

The company intends to expand its share in long-term projects and focus on Arctic area of operations. In particular, it is referred to such projects as Yamal LNG, Arctic LNG, as well as projects of Gazprom Neft Shelf, TALTEK and SOVFRACHT.
"ТТП Маринес", ООО Санкт-Петербург
+7(812)336-65-67, +7(495)959-75-00
"Мурманское Морское пароходство", ОАО Мурманск
+7(812)48-10-11, +7(815)248-10-48

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