27.11.2017 13:05 / shipbuilding news, rescuer, russian navy

The second rescue boat like "Igor Belousov" is included in State Armaments Programme for 2018-2027 - the Navy of the Russian Federation

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Construction of the second rescue boat like "Igor Belousov" is included in the draft of the new State Armaments Programme (SAP) for 2018-2027, the fleet expects to receive it after 2023. On Friday the Deputy Supreme commander of the Navy of the Russian Federation vice admiral Victor Bursuk reported about it.
"It is in the new SAP, but in the second program period - from 2023 to 2028", he said.

Rescue boats of the project 21300C are intended for rescue of crews from emergency submarines, air supply, electricity and saving funds for submarines and surface ships. They can be also engaged in search and inspection of emergency objects. Displacement of the vessel reaches 5,000 tons.

The head vessel of the project - "Igor Belousov" - started operating at the end of 2015 and since 2016 serves as a part of the Pacific fleet.

Source: TASS

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